BOOK REVIEW: Never Never #2 by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher


5 stars



“Never forget that I was your first real kiss. Never forget that you’ll be my last.
And never stop loving me between all of them.
Never stop, Charlie.
Never forget.”

Silas races against time as more truths unravel, while others twist tighter together. And now, the stakes are higher as Silas’ control slips and others begin to point fingers. Charlie is in trouble and he must be the one to bridge the chasm between their past and their present. Because somewhere between I love yous and Never Nevers and Never Agains, a truth they can’t imagine, beckons to be found.

“Where are you, Charlie?”



Overall, I like the progression of the plot and the characters. There’s so much potential for part 3 since so much has been built up throughout the previous parts. However, I am terrified that this series will not have a happy ending. I’m not looking for them to get married and prance through a field of flowers but at least an ending in which they are happy enough to be safe and NOT dead. It would also be great to have answers to all of the questions that are created, especially in this part! I feel like so much has been uncovered and yet more questions have emerged.

The voices and personalities of the characters have become so much more distinct in this part, since the context and conflict has been established in part one. Like many “middle” books, this part is mostly to build up suspense than anything else. While it was still very good, as shown by the 5 star rating, it is just one of those “meh” parts. I think I got through with this part faster than the first, so it definitely entertained me and hooked me from the start!

*We are entering the spoiler-y part… read at your own risk*

I have so many questions.

  1. What is the significance of The Shrimp to the story and why Silas and Charlie lose their memories every 48 hours?
  2. Is this story’s resolution like a fairy tale (as explored in part one)?
  3. Is the story’s resolution medically based (because of the medication given to Charlie)?
  4. Why did the voodoo lady and her daughter buy Charlie’s old house?
  5. Is Jamais Jamais important to the voodoo priestess since it was built back in the 1800’s?
  6. What will happen to Silas and Charlie when they get their memories back?
  7. If they get their memories back?

I have so many more questions but these are the big ones.

I am very scared for the third part because I have a feeling that it won’t be happy at all. I don’t have any solid predictions but I really hope that it’s going to answer all of my questions. If all of the questions aren’t answered then I will be very disappointed.

Song(s) That Remind Me Of This Book:

  • Fire N Gold by Bea Miller
  • The Only Exception by Paramore
  • We Are Young by fun.
  • Forever and Always by Taylor Swift
  • The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez
  • Your Biggest Fan by Never Shout Never
    ^extra nerd points because “never” is in the band name twice! 😉


Gif Summary

Avril Ashley being Brian Finley’s sister:


“Real” Charlie’s personality aka a huge bitch:



Silas and Charlie going to a Vamps concert:


The Shrimp being the voodoo priestess’ daughter:


Charlie in a “mental hospital’ = her old house:


Charlie and Silas finding each other again:


The ending:


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